Are you organising an event for professionals?

  • Blog
  • 31/08/2023

Are you organising an event for mental health or school professionals? Dr Jenny Brown is welcoming enquiries for speaking engagements. Find our more about Jenny here, or read about the research behind the Parent Hope Project here.

Contact us for more information or email

Speaking topics

All topics are about ways to work with parents to improve children’s and young people’s mental health 

Working with parents 

  • so children can flourish 
  • of disconnected adolescents 

Working with parents  

  • when a child/young person is school refusing 
  • when a child/young person is anxious and depressed 
  • when a child/young person is defiant 
  • when a child is obsessional about screen time 

Working with parents  

  • who are undermining each other 
  • who are helpless and disengaged 
  • who are defensive and difficult to engage 
  • who have suffered trauma and multiple challenges 

And more general topics 

  • Understanding children’s symptoms from a family systems lens 
  • Essential family systems understanding & therapy skills 
Are you organising an event for professionals?

Growing yourself up:

How to bring your best to all of life’s relationships

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