Family Systems Parenting Programs and Courses
Work with worried parents to support their children’s mental health.
By Dr Jenny Brown

Parent Hope Manualised Program
A Family Systems clinical intervention – engage parents to support their struggling children, using a 6 part manual. 2 levels of training for accreditation.
Manualised Program
Parent Courses & Training
Engage parent groups to be a positive resource for their children. Group facilitator online training to deliver the 4-part Confident Parent Course, plus subscription access to course content.
Training to run Parent Courses
Schools Package
Foster positive partnerships with parents, support student mental health, with video courses and training packages
Church Package
Support parents in your community to rediscover confidence, with video courses and training packages
For Parents
Video courses and books are available for parents. These are also a great introduction to our approach for professionals

Research-based programs
Helping parents make a positive project out of themselves, reduce their anxious focus on their children, supporting children’s mental health.
Based on Dr Jenny Brown’s research with parents and the ground-breaking research of Murray Bowen MD – developer of Bowen family systems theory.
“…the favourable results with parents who could make a project out of themselves was a turning point in both the theory and practice of family psychotherapy.”
Dr Murray Bowen [from his original NIMH research – FTCP, 1978. P96]
“The child functions in reaction to the parents instead of being responsible for him/herself. If parents shift their focus off the child and become more responsible for their own actions, the child will automatically (perhaps after testing whether the parents really mean it) assume more responsibility for him/herself.”
Dr M Kerr & Dr M Bowen [Family Evaluation. 1988 p. 202]

While this program focusses on parents making changes to themselves, be assured that this is not at all about blaming parents. Parents are not to blame for their young person’s difficulties since many complex factors contribute to symptom development… However, parents can play an important part towards children’s growth in responsible independence by adjusting how they interact with their young person. In this way parents find that they can let go of guilt and recover their hopefulness.

Free Introductory Course
Research and the Development of the Parent Hope Project – for professionals
Start the free introductory course for professionalsHave more questions?
Email us at
The Parent Hope Project is a social enterprise that seeks to be accessible to all. If the costs of training prevent you or your service from registering, please get in touch to discuss options.

PACFA endorsed and attract Category B CPD hours.
Feedback from Parents
“I just think this course has been brilliant. It made me feel like I was important to the health of my children. That I was doing something myself, rather than sending them to appointments and me waiting for things to happen.”
“Thank you. This has been transformative for me personally. I never thought a parenting course could actually change how I feel about myself.”
“This course wasn’t about focussing on what I’m doing wrong but more on what I CAN do. What I’m in control of and working out how to do that better. I found this liberating as until now, there had been a constant sense of failure for me in how things have been working out for my teenagers.”