One Parent’s Story B – Part 2: Energy Direction and Parent leadership – the “I” Position
- Blog
- 27/09/2017
In a previous blog we met Pam and saw how she was interacting with her anxious son Hamish to try to get him to school. She described the details of her morning pattern with Hamish and her husband Bill (step dad to Hamish). Pam identified that her primary energy was being directed towards Hamish: worried…
How to Give Parenting Advice to a Friend
- Blog
- 08/03/2017
Talking to a friend or family member about concerns you have about their parenting (or indeed any relationship) is a fraught arena. People are happy to hear their friend’s ideas about external things – professionals to go to, new family activities, and extracurricular offerings, holiday destinations – BUT none of us like to hear input…